Section: New Results

Development, implementation and distribution of the Ey-Wifi module for the NS3 simulation tool

Participants : Hana Baccouch, Cédric Adjih, Paul Muhlethaler.

Ey-Wifi module is an ns-3 module developed within the Mobsim project. Ey-Wifi stands for Elimination-Yield for WiFi networks. The main goal of Ey-Wifi is to integrate the features of the EY-NPMA channel access scheme in the ns-3 Wifi module. EY-NPMA (Elimination-Yield Non-Pre-emptive Priority Multiple Access) is a contention based protocol that has been used as the medium access scheme in HIPERLAN type 1. The main advantages of EY-NPMA are: low collision rate, more determinism and priority support. EY-NPMA is based on active signaling (black burst): a node requests access to the medium by transmitting a burst signal. More precisely, the channel access cycle comprises three phases : priority phase, elimination phase and yield phase. Compared to Wifi, EY-NPMA adds the transmission of a burst in the elimination phase: it reduces the number of nodes, that will compete in next "yield" phase (equivalent to the contention window based access of WiFi).

Furthermore, the performances of Ey-Wifi have been evaluated and compared with those of Wifi with ns-3. Distribution of Ey-Wifi module: The module and a tutorial explaining how to use it, are available at: http://hipercom.inria.fr/Ey-Wifi